Condor Offer - Relevant Documentation

Condor Gold - related documents to offer

  1. Statement Re Press Article
  2. Further Statement
  3. Rule 2.7 Announcement
  4. Advisor Consent Letter - Hannam Partners
  5. Advisor Consent Letter - Beaumont Cornish Limited
  6. CVR Loan Note Instrument
  7. CVR Deed Poll
  8. Rule 2.11 Letter to Shareholders
  9. Rule 2.11 Letter to Employees
  10. Co-operation Agreement
  11. Irrevocable Undertaking - Andrew Cheatle
  12. Irrevocable Undertaking - Mark Child
  13. Irrevocable Undertaking - Ian Stalker
  14. Irrevocable Undertaking - Jim Mellon
  15. Irrevocable Undertaking - Galloway Limited
  16. Irrevocable Undertaking - Promaco
  17. Working Capital Facility
  18. Rule 2.9 Announcement
  19. Form 8
  20. Announcement of Convening Hearing
  21. Form 8.3
  22. Condor RNS Scheme
  23. Adviser Consent Letter (Scheme Document & R15 Letters)
  24. Adviser Consent Letter (Scheme Document)
  25. Buy Back Agreement
  26. Condor Gold PLC - New articles of association
  27. Convertible Loan Note Instrument dated 25 November 2022
  28. Open Offer Circular December 2022
  29. Option Holder - Form of Election
  30. Production Fee Deed
  31. Project Cortes - Strand Hanson - Scheme Doc Consent Letter
  32. Project Cortes Scheme Document
  33. Rule 15 letter to EMI Option Holders
  34. Rule 15 Letter to Option Holders
  35. Rule 15 Letter to Warrant Holders
  36. Warrant holder - Form of Election
  37. Warrant Instrument dated 25 November 2022
  38. Warrant Instrument of Condor Gold Plc dated 17 June 2022 and amended on 21 December
  39. YMC SPA
  40. Form 8.3 - Opening Position Disclosure (First Majestic Silver Corp.)
  41. Form 8.3 - OPD (Oracle Management Ltd)
  42. Form 8.1 (Ian Stalker)
  43. Rule 2.9 - Issue of Equity
  44. Results of Court Meeting and General Meeting for the Acquisition of Condor Gold plc by Metals Exploration plc
  45. Form 8.3 - Adena Estate In
  46. Director’s Share Purchase via Exercise of Options
  47. Form 8 (DD) - Ian Stalker
  48. Rule2.9 - Issue of Equity
  49. Court Sanction of Scheme of Arrangement and Suspension of Dealings on AIM & Trading Halt on TSX
  50. Scheme of Arrangement Becomes Effective

Metals Exploration - related documents to offer

  1. Bridging Loan Agreement
  2. Confidentiality Agreement
  3. Irrevocable Undertaking - Tim Livesy
  4. Irrevocable Undertaking - Darren Bowden
  5. Irrevocable Undertaking - Drachs Investments No. 3 Limited
  6. Irrevocable Undertaking - MTL (Luxembourg) Sarl
  7. Irrevocable Undertaking - David Cather
  8. Offeror Rule 2.11 Letter to Employees
  9. Advisor Consent Letter - Strand Hanson
  10. Loan Note Instrument - MTL Plc. 
  11. Candy Investments Irrevocable Signed 12.12.24